Safeguarding research integrity

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L’editoriale di The Lancet riprende alcuni punti ben noti sul tema della irriproducibilità delle ricerche.
Individual researchers accountable for the planning, conduct, and reporting of studies need to take responsibility for misconduct.

Si parla della insistenza su indicatori quantitativi
Most institutions still use the numbers of papers published and journal impact factors as a proxy for quality in making decisions on hiring, promotion, or giving tenure.
E della difficoltà delle istituzioni a riconoscere la research misconduct (si pensi al Karolinska e Macchiarini)

Allegations of misconduct are all too often not adequately investigated by institutions for fear of loss of reputation

Alcuni casi “eccellenti” sono stati portati alla attenzione delle comunità internazionali, ma non è sufficiente:
Individual research misconduct sleuths have exposed several high-profile cases, but cannot be relied on to police the entire scientific record alone, just as the problem is not down to a few bad actors

Il problema della credibilità della ricerca scientifica deve essere affrontato collettivamente:
All involved need to look honestly and deeply at their role in creating perverse incentives, at their motives of driving quantity over quality, and at their way of profiting from a system that is no longer rewarding and supporting researchers in the right way