Dopo Utrecht anche Zurigo abbandona il ranking del THE

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L’università di Zurigo ha deciso di non fornire più dati al ranking THE, e sta decidendo cosa fare con gli altri ranking.

Qui sotto la motivazione:

The University of Zurich (UZH) has actively campaigned for many years, both nationally and internationally, for a culture of openness in academia. We are strongly committed to open science, which stands for open exchange, transparency and reproducibility, and promotes high-quality, efficient and impactful research. The benefits and influence of rankings on the world of academia have long been the subject of controversial debate. Some of the methods used to calculate rankings lack transparency and are controversial. Rankings focus on measurable output, which has unintended consequences, for example leading universities to concentrate on increasing the number of publications instead of improving the quality of their content.

Although rankings purport to comprehensively measure universities’ diverse achievements in teaching and research, they cannot realistically do so as they reduce indicators to a blunt score and focus on quantitative criteria. The rankings’ measurement of performance and quality is inadequate, they sometimes take the wrong aspects into account, and they run counter to universities’ strategic goals such as the promotion of open science practices. Within the current ongoing movement to reform research assessments, rankings are viewed critically.

Due to the divergence of UZH’s viewpoint from the Times Higher Education’s approach, we have decided to no longer provide data for the THE ranking. We are also considering whether to continue with other rankings such as Shanghai, QS and US News & World Report ranking. With this move, UZH is taking another step toward a more transparent, open, efficient, fair and inclusive research environment that empowers our researchers to conduct cutting-edge research. We are convinced that scientific quality should be the decisive factor in all research policy decisions, that open science practices make an important contribution to said scientific quality, and that rankings should not be allowed to have a negative influence in this regard.

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