A Post-print (Author’s Accepted Manuscript-AAM) is the final version of a scientific manuscript that has already undergone peer review. It includes the reviewers’ comments but generally still lacks the editorial layout: graphics, layout, logo, and copyright; page numbering, if any, begins with 1 and any tables are given at the end of the text.
In some cases, however, it may be the publisher itself that provides the author with the publishable AAM file, in a version that is different from the final version but in a template already developed by the publisher and with elements that can be traced back to the published version (e.g., logos, DOI of the published work, etc.).

The post-print constitutes the version primarily allowed for self-archiving in institutional repositories, often accompanied by the specification of an embargo period during which the contribution will remain closed access with only the bibliographic metadata visible. For these reasons it is essential to ascertain the terms of the publishing agreement, which include the choice of license to be assigned to the contribution, usually a Creative Commons one. Creative Commons.
How to publish a post-printt
The ideal venue for publishing a post-print is the institutional repository of your insititution.
IRIS AIR is the institutional repository of the University of Milan